Car Medic Motors - Dashmesh Motors

Your trusted partner for automotive solutions.

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a couple of men standing next to an ambulance
a couple of men standing next to an ambulance

Dashmesh Motors

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A black and white photo of a person wearing a mask
A black and white photo of a person wearing a mask
the inside of a vehicle with a life preserver in the back
the inside of a vehicle with a life preserver in the back
Car Accessories

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Auto Services

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Car Medic Motors provided exceptional service and quality. Highly recommend for all automotive needs!

John Doe

a view of the cockpit of a helicopter
a view of the cockpit of a helicopter
the cockpit of a helicopter with a yellow helmet on
the cockpit of a helicopter with a yellow helmet on


gray computer monitor

Contact Us

Reach out to Car Medic Motors - Dashmesh Motors for inquiries.

Car Medic Motors - Dashmesh Motors

Visit our new store, Car Medic Motors - Dashmesh Motors, for all your automotive needs and exceptional service.


Eldeco Udyan Li, Lucknow Uttarpradesh,226010


9 AM - 6 PM

Contact Number - +91 8188881635